Archive for June, 2009

I’m Back and Ready to Mount Up!

June 22, 2009

It has been a while since I posted anything and for that I have to say to you TOO FUCKING BAD!

Actually after the Jack-A-Thon I was pretty wiped out. I blew more loads in a few hours than I ever have before and it took a couple weeks to get the urge to jerk it again. And then it happened. Or didn’t happen to be more accurate.

I was so backed up after the Jack-A-Thon that I didn’t take a shit for almost two weeks and when I finally managed to work that bad boy out I was wasted. I tried bran, raisins, prunes, chopsticks, a spoon and the garden hose but nothing would make it budge. I finally gave up hope and thought I might have to actually have anal sex to stir shit up (pun intended) but I woke up one morning with a turtle head of massive proportions poking out my ass. After an explosive movement I am back to normal.

This is a photo of the last movement. I like to call it Mitch’s Last Movement in C Minor because that’s the key I was screaming in when it fianlly let loose.

Now, back to masturbating. Anyone have any good suggestions of things I can stick my dick into? And nobody better suggest peanut butter or a tub of Crisco because I have already tried both.
